It’s been awhile

It’s been quite some time since I’ve put anything up here, so this may end up being a rambling mess.

Hoopeston Area lost a good superintendent last Saturday to an apparent heart attack, Mr. Conolly will be missed.

At CITES, I’ve been working on an RFP for a solution to support our DNS infrastructure. The most I can do is to link to a similar effort being run by The University of Michigan. Hopefully ours will be on the street sometime in January, then I get to work on a committee to evaluate the proposals and maybe some evaluation equipment.

On consulting sites:

  • Hoopeston Public Library has a recently reinstalled IPMasq/Squid box and new “free” wireless service powered by PublicIP’s ZoneCD.
  • Crown Ford and the other dealerships in Hoopeston are now using OpenVPN for securing the traffic between them and we are actively monitoring the bandwidth usage on those links.

The holidays are coming up, I’m not sure what to get anyone, as usual. Hopefully the utilitarian gifts and gift certificates will work again this year. Now, if we can just make it home without borrowing a trailer to haul Robin’s gifts in.

And, as usual, I’m way behind on getting pictures of Robin posted. Maybe next week after we’re done driving all over the Illiana area…