how to fix vcron/vixie-cron issues

gentoo decided to rename the package for vixie cron from vcron to vixie-cron. If you had this happen in the middle of a bunch of upgrades, you missed the info on how to fix it. So I don’t lose this link again:

emerge unmerge vcron
emerge vixie-cron
rm /etc/init.d/vcron
rc-update del vcron
rc-update del vixie-cron
rc-update add vixie-cron default

imminent threat

So, Rummie finally got caught in a lie.

“No terror state poses a greater or more immediate threat to the security of our people and the stability of the world than the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.”
– Donald Rumsfeld, September 18, 2002


VirusScan Enterprise sucks

Well, I guess I shouldn’t really fault VirusScan, this is more of a Microsoft Installer issue than anything.
A little background: We run the campus site licensed VirusScan Enterprise on all our lab machines (and all of the admin machines as well). We started the year with version 7.0, then 7.1 came out. This is when things got wacky.
First, I built a custom install package with Installation Designer that had the same settings as we used before. Some workstations got the settings again, some defaulted back to the defaults (update weekly, Friday 5 pm), and a few even lost the scanner service completely!
Continue reading

trouble ticket

Oh my:

my connector was blocked by u
i don’t understand
why did u block my connector?
i was change my computer system
i was receive an E-mail from ******, *****
so i installed virus program(the name is V3)
why you are block my connect?
as soon as coule u open my connector?

spongebob spam?

Seems that we have been getting lots of hits on from hotmail and other mail clients asking for 1 specific spongebob related picture. Seeing as that is wasting our bandwidth for someone elses purposes, I followed the lead of others and replaced the picture:

We’ll see how much mail I get….

SNARE (and other cool stuff)

At the security class yesterday, one of the speakers mentioned some nifty free or free for non-commercial use apps that I thought we could use, either at Hoopeston or even Housing. After fighting these damn viruses all last night, I finally got around to googling for a few of the cooler things, and I found a few extra:

  • SNARE – a eventlog redirector/collector for windows/linux
  • Cacti – graphical frontend for RRDtool to simulate MRTG
  • Tripwire – been there, need to again.
  • Kiwi – Lots of windows utils: syslogd, serial port to syslog ‘repeater’, syslog event creator, etc

And so my blog descends into the depths of glorified link collector.