More Pictures

Many more Robin pictures up on the gallery: August 15, September 11, and September 13.

September 13 needs some explanation, the green block vibrates when you pull on the foot of the frog on one face. Robin figured out that you need to pull it to make it vibrate, but he couldn’t get a good enough grip with his fingers, so he tried his teeth. And the sequencing:

Maybe I can pull this!
Maybe I can pull this!


Hoopeston Sweetcorn Festival report

The 63rd National Sweetcorn Festival is over, less beer, fewer late nights and fewer calories this year.
We served nearly 24 tons of corn, only had extra on Saturday evening. On Monday, we were done husking the 6 tons of corn before 3 pm and were completely cleaned up and moved out by 4 pm. Usually Monday is a slow day, but not this year. The wonderful weather and lower gate price helped get more people in the park, as did the recently “lower” gas prices.
I did get to work a new job this year: serving beer in the beer tent. The crowds were never large, but you could see the demo derbies from the beer tent, so there was a steady flow all through the derbies and for an hour or so afterwards. We’re hoping for portable bleachers inside the beer tent area next year, better views than sitting on picnic tables at the edge of the fence.
On Saturday, the Illinois Jaycees president and 2 other officers from Southern Illinois were up on the husker table along with me. They asked how long I’d been a Jaycee member and, I’m not a Jaycee. On Monday, someone who is running for state president was helping on the husker. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her hard sell wasn’t going to do much good since I’m not a member….
Overall, another fun festival, but I need some time back at work to rest up from my vacation!