Making VLANs work on Bering

Or any other distribution that uses Debian network scripts:
$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
# VLAN 100
auto eth0.100
iface eth0.100 inet static
pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
pre-up /sbin/vconfig add eth0 100

Grabbed from some random searching

Or, you could try the method mentioned here:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0 eth1 vlan2 vlan3 vlan4 vlan5
iface eth0 inet dhcp
# VLAN 1 - native management VLAN
iface eth1 inet static
vlan_raw_device eth1
# VLAN 2 - DMZ
iface vlan2 inet static
vlan_raw_device eth1

And if you want to get really crafty: Transparent vlan bridging firewall with debian

Windows Server 2003 SP1 firewall

Who would have thought I’d be talking about the Windows Server 2003 SP1 firewall? But, it really works. And it’s almost tolerable to configure from the command line.

REM Set variables:
set Network1=,
set Network2=
set Network3=
REM Concatenate addresses here, MUST HAVE ONLY COMMAS (",") between them
set ADDRESSES=%Network1%,%Network2%,%Network3%
REM Allow MSSQL from All
netsh firewall add portopening protocol = TCP port = 1433 name = MSSQL mode = ENABLE scope = CUSTOM addresses = %ADDRESSES%
REM Allow RDP from Network1 only
netsh firewall add portopening protocol = TCP port = 3389 name = RemoteDesktop mode = ENABLE scope = CUSTOM addresses = %Network1%
REM Allow BackupExec from Local Subnet only
netsh firewall add portopening protocol = TCP port = 10000 name = BackupExecAgent mode = ENABLE scope = SUBNET
REM Turn on logging of dropped packets
netsh firewall set logging filelocation = %windir%pfirewall.log maxfilesize = 4096 droppedpackets = ENABLE
REM Clear variables:
set Network1=
set Network2=
set Network3=

The logfile generates too much useless information, especially if you use DHCP on your network, but it also shows that you didn’t waste your time configuring it:

2006-08-11 05:36:28 DROP TCP 27726 1433 48 S 3572543340 0 65535 - - - RECEIVE

Rest in Peace Hefty

HEFFELFINGER – Jeffrey D. “Hefty” Heffelfinger,
36, of Hoopeston died at 10:45 a.m. Monday,
July 31, 2006 in Burlington, Wis. Arrangements
were incomplete at Brown-Alkire Funeral Home.

Hopefully the poker players aren’t as tough where you are now.