The Annals of Improbable Research is a pretty good way to waste an afternoon. Examples:
The best quote: “Stapp’s Law: the universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle”
The Annals of Improbable Research is a pretty good way to waste an afternoon. Examples:
The best quote: “Stapp’s Law: the universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle”
In case you missed all the wonderful mis-pronunciations of ‘nuclear’, read the full transcript.
Nothing new, mostly just more of the same revisionist history and creative doublespeak spin. And none of the really good eight questions from David Corn made it in.
Worthless web things:
create your own visited states map.
And, we specifically avoided Oklahoma on a vacation. (updated 5/26/2018)
Oh yeah, it’s possible. Heres how:
emerge freetds
on Gentoo.
(or wherever in got dropped) to include something like:
[yourservername] host = port = 1433 tds version = 7.0
perl script.
Now you’ve got access to your Windows SQL database on Linux. KICK ASS!
Wow, even the generally conservative McLaughlin Group was talking about the damage done to our international credibility by the Iraq mess. No transcript yet, but if you missed this weeks episode, check it out when it shows up.
Update: Direct Link
Random link:
It was -9 F when I got up this morning. That’s what a solid layer of snow cover and artic air will do.
The beard is nice insulation in this weather, but it’s a really odd feeling when it starts to freeze together.
And, who else thinks the ‘certain capture’ of Osama Bin Laden is going to be turned into election year propaganda?
Damn. Some guy actually lived through eating 3 meals a day at McDonalds? And he made a movie about it.
The group at work has always wondered what 7 days in a row at Taco Bell would do to you, but I don’t think I’ll be volunteering for that after reading that. (This is my assumption about the reaction.)
Will David Kay become the scapegoat for the failed WMD search? Or is he just trying to deflect the mess from the Bush White House onto someone else? Or is he just shopping for a book deal?
Glad to see someone is standing up to take responsibility for his statements and actions. NOT!
Oh, and just in case you haven’t read about it yet, see the details on Michael Moore’s “the General vs the deserter” comment.
My dad made the comment to me that missing a flight physical was an automatic court-martial when he was in the Air Force. Funny, I don’t see records of Dubya being court-martialed anywhere on his website.
Kerry wins Iowa, the ‘frontrunner’ Dean ends up in third, Clark gets Michael Moore endorsement, Gephardt drops out.
What a mess.
Remember why we went to Iraq in the first place? Weapons of Mass Destruction? Yellow cake? Mobile WMD production facilities?
We still haven’t found any of this stuff, part of the team of US Army specialists that had been there since the beginning started coming home in early January 2004. Then a Danish team found what looked like ‘blister agents‘ in mortar shells from around the time of the Iran-Iraq war (you know, when Rumsfeld was in Baghdad). Now the Danish army is reporting those ‘blister agents’ aren’t, the field tests were wrong.
Here’s for hoping the Democrats nominate someone who can beat Dubya. Or maybe someone will impeach him first.