New Hardware

Well, I caved late last week and ordered a new Shuttle SB81P, a 3.0 Ghz processor, a couple of 200GB SATA drives, 512MB of RAM and a cheap Asus CD-S520 CDROM drive. The build was very simple, following the instructions in the manual, but I did run into a couple of snags.

  1. The Asus CDROM tray is just slightly taller than the opening provided. A little filing and sanding solved that
  2. The SATA connectors are formed with the wires coming out on what seems to be wrong side. (very minor)

Now, I think I’ll wait with the gentoo install until this weekend (but, I’ll be using these instructions.)

aacraid+aic7xxx+megaraid == Hang?

Apparently either the aic7xxx or the megaraid driver conflicts with the aacraid driver starting somewhere around gentoo-sources 2.4.25-r2. Pulling those two out of the kernel lets the machine boot. Had my heart skip a beat or two when our backup MX wouldn’t boot on a newer kernel because of this.


One of the freebies (well, they do have my contact info) from TechEd was a full copy of VMWare Workstation. I’ve been messing around with it a bit, but my laptop doesn’t have anywhere near the RAM it needs to run it well. This screenshot should be enough to scare most people.

how to fix vcron/vixie-cron issues

gentoo decided to rename the package for vixie cron from vcron to vixie-cron. If you had this happen in the middle of a bunch of upgrades, you missed the info on how to fix it. So I don’t lose this link again:

emerge unmerge vcron
emerge vixie-cron
rm /etc/init.d/vcron
rc-update del vcron
rc-update del vixie-cron
rc-update add vixie-cron default