It’s finals week here at the University of Illinois, so campus is packed with parents hauling home the equivalent of 1/2 of one dorm room’s worth of detritus.
Moms trying to fit 3 cu. ft. fridges in the trunks of Impalas, dads sweating like hogs carrying bags of shoes and vomit stained t-shirts as their daughters stumble along, groggy either from the mass of bar-scars on the backs of their hands or finals, no one is sure. And, since the weather is so nice, the finer features of working on a college campus abound.
We’ve been taking back returned mini-hubs (and mini-switches) since Monday. 1740 items have been returned so far, but there’s still another 5400 out there. (We count the hub and the power supply as seperate items, so that’s about 2700 pairs to come in yet.) Computer labs close at 5 pm today, a few places are open for hub return tomorrow, commencement is on Sunday.
Another year gone by. Has it really been 7 years since I graduated from here?