MS04-028 patches

I’m working on the last set of patches from Microsoft for the labs, and they are beginning to annoy me.

The one for IE6sp1 works just as advertised, with the standard unattended commandline:IE6.0sp1-KB833989-x86-ENU.exe /q:a /r:n.

The one for the DotNet Framework 1.1, isn’t quite so straight-forward. The command line options work as advertised. (I’m using NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /Q /L:c:dotnetsp1.txt). But after installing, the version numbers don’t match up with the version checking method listed in KB318785. %WINDOWS%System32URTTempmscoree.dll does NOT get updated, while the version in %WINDOWS%System32 does.

Arrgh. Now on to the Office 2003 patching, from an Admin install share. This should be fun. At least there are reccommended practices from Microsoft on this stuff.