So, I’ve been to 7 TechEds in a row and this was, by far, the best one for technical content for a ‘jack of all trades, expert of none’ type person like myself. While some of the free stuff wasn’t quite as good as previous years, attendees are getting the post conference DVDs for free. It’s a worthy trade.
Thank you for a wonderful conference. Now if I could just get that free license for VMWare?
There are lots of things that I’ve taken away from here that I should be able to apply in the real world.
Commnet is closing up shortly, so unless I pay the fee for internet access in the hotel (which I’ve heard is not worth it, thought the geek percentage is probably much lower tonight) this will be the last entry from San Diego. Hopefully the pictures will come out well.
Now to go buy some trinkets/gifts for friends and family.